Martha Trumbull holds one of Hometown Boutique’s most popular items. Photo by Hannah Trumbull
A tote bag to Paris, a hoodie to Barcelona, a coffee mug to Texas, wine glasses to Indiana. These are just a few of the destinations Hometown Boutique gifts have found their way to. Hometown Boutique, owned and operated by Martha (Hill) Trumbull, offers a variety of items for those who want something to remember their time spent in our little neck of the woods. Each item is inscribed or imprinted with the names of Honeoye Falls, Lima, Mendon, Rush, and Pittsford. And, if business continues as it has been, Trumbull expects to add more towns and villages in the near future.
Trumbull was raised in Honeoye Falls and graduated from HF-L in 1981. The large family home on Ontario Street where she grew up was sold soon after and she eventually settled in Henrietta with her husband, Steve, and three children where they would stay for over 25 years. But Honeoye Falls always held a special place in her heart. She longed to return to the HF area, and in 2019 the family moved back to her hometown, purchasing a house on Monroe Street.
Happy to be back in the village, one thing Trumbull found lacking was a shop to purchase gifts or mementos with a hometown vibe. And she found she wasn’t alone. Starting with a few coffee mugs and a bumper sticker, Hometown Boutique has grown to offer a wide variety of items to include water bottles, travel mugs, wine glasses, tote bags, t-shirts, hoodies, hats, locally roasted coffee, and of course, coffee mugs. “I receive a lot of orders from people out of town who still stay in touch with friends and family from the area. But local folks are the bulk of my customers and are excited that I’m offering these types of items.” Along with shipping, she also offers free delivery within the HF area or will arrange pick up from her home.
Trumbull works full-time as an office manager of a financial planning firm in Brighton, and Hometown Boutique gives her an outlet for her creativity in designing the artwork and discovering merchandise that would interest her customers. All Hometown Boutique’s goods are available for view on her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Marthashometownboutique with a website to launch within the month. She’ll be a part of the upcoming Festival on The Falls on August 20th where, she says, “I hope to introduce the community to Hometown Boutique, make some new friends and maybe reconnect with friends from the past.” She’s also been asked to display and sell her items for HF-L’s 50th class reunion this summer. “The reunion is a perfect venue – folks can take home a little remembrance of times gone by. That’s exactly who Hometown Boutique was designed for!” remarks Trumbull. “After all, we never really leave home.”
If you’d like to get in touch with Trumbull, contact her by phone or text at (585) 350-9178 or email her at hometownbtq@gmail.com.