The investigation into an incident at Honeoeye Falls-Lima High School that forced the school into lockdown last Tuesday (October 1) has been closed as a suspect has been identified.

At approximately 9:43 a.m., the District was made aware of a bomb threat written on a bathroom wall in the High School. The High School was immediately put into lockdown and 911 was called. At 10:06 a.m. the building response was switched to a hold-in-place so students could continue work in their classrooms, but no one was allowed in the hallways.

It was recommended by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department that a bomb scan be completed and K9 dogs were on campus for 45 minutes and swept the entire high school. There was nothing found.

According to the school district on Monday, October 5, the investigation has been closed as a suspect has been identified and appropriate consequences are being applied.

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