Families enjoy the Teddy Bear Picnic last Friday. Photo by Donna MacKenzie
The annual Teddy Bear picnic was normal again this year with parents joining the kindergarten and first-grade students and the teachers and staff at the school last Friday (June 10).
The picnic, which was cancelled in 2020 due to COVID, was held last year but it was only students and their favorite stuffed friends, staff and teachers who attended. This year, families gathered on the west lawn of the school to enjoy lunch and the beautiful spring weather, not too hot and not too cold and not a drop of rain in sight.
Among the favorite “stuffies” attending the picnic, courtesy of their young owners, were a variety of bears in various sizes and colors. While it is called a Teddy Bear picnic, it was a very inclusive event with stuffed dogs, cats, monkeys, rabbits, elephants, turtles, frogs, foxes and even unicorns seen in attendance. Also observed were a stuffed Spider Man and a Baby Yoda.