Local DAR members Wendy Melenbacker, Maggie Dempsey, Stephanie Dempsey (left to right in back) and new member Elsie Hartmann in front. Photo provided by Stephanie Dempsey
The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), recently welcomed its newest and oldest member. Elsie Hartmann, age 100, was recently approved by the National organization for being a direct descendant of Revolutionary War Patriot, Nathaniel Finch, who was killed at the Battle of Minisink at Minisink Ford, NY on July 22, 1779. Elsie decided to join the Ska-Hase-Ga-O chapter in Lima, NY where her daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter are all current members.
The Ska-Hase-Ga-O Chapter is currently the only DAR chapter in Livingston County. The chapter was founded on November 11, 1908, and still continues to be an active part of the community. Some of their activities include creating blessing bags for homeless Veterans, sponsoring a yearly Good Citizen Program for area High School Seniors, and creating an annual flag display in front of the Lima Town Hall to honor Veterans for Veteran’s Day.
The DAR is one of the largest lineage-base women’s service organization in the world, whose members are direct descendants of both men and women who contributed to secure the independence of the United States of America. The DAR also promotes education, historical preservation, and patriotism.
For more information about the DAR or the Ska-Hase-Ga-O chapter, please contact skahasegao@gmail.com or visit their website at skahasegaodar.weebly.com