Second-grade students sing The Star Spangled Banner at the Manor School’s Second Grade Patriotic show on June 15. Photo by Donna MacKenzie
After a two-year absence due to COVID, second-grade students at Honeoye Falls-Lima’s Manor School performed the wonderful program America…A Proud Nation, a Musical Tribute to the United States of America, at the District Auditorium on June 15, one day after the country celebrated Flag Day.
All nine second-grade classes sang “We Love the USA”. Students from Mrs. Fleming’s and Mrs. Harrison’s classes performed “The United States.” Second-graders in Mrs. Leonard/Mrs. Lynah’s class and from Ms. Apthorpe’s class sang “The Star Spangled Banner.” All the students then recited the “Pledge of Allegiance” and performed “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.” Students from Mrs. Schilstra’s class sang “America, America.” Second-graders in Mrs. Graney’s class followed with the song “Yankee Doodle.” All the students sang “Thank You Soldiers” while a slideshow played on the screen of people from the area and often times relatives of the students who served or are serving in the military. That was followed with the “Taps Prologue.” Students from Miss Balseca and Mrs. Filiatrault’s classes collaborated on “America the Beautiful.” Second-graders in Mrs. Erickson’s class sang “Famous Americans.” The program wrapped up with all the students singing “Proud to be an American” which is also known as “God Bless The USA.”
One of the students narrated the program, portraying George Washington, with help from several other students, some of whom portrayed Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Betsy Ross, Susan B. Anthony, Sacagawea, the Statue of Liberty and the Bald Eagle. The students also acknowledged Principal Jeanine Lupisella as she attended her final patriotic performance as Manor School Principal. Mrs. Lupisella retired after 25 years at HF-L.