Pursuant to Executive Order 202.1 issued by Governor Cuomo, the meeting of the Mendon Fire District will be held via a “ZOOM” video conference among the members of the board of fire commissioners at 7:00 P.M. on April 9, 2020.
Any interested person may listen to this meeting by dialing 1-646-558-8656 and using Meeting ID# 476 402 839 or by utilizing a computer (preferably running Windows 10 ) and going to https://zoom.us/j/476402839. Meeting I.D. 476 402 839.
A transcript of the meeting will be available for interested persons by contacting: John McGinnis, Secretary, Mendon Fire District at jmcginnis@mendonfd.org.
Any interested person is able to connect with and listen to the meeting of the Mendon Fire District.