Submitted photo
Shown in the photo above, Rush Seniors president Jim Wilkins presents a check for $500 from the Rush Seniors group to Mark Heinz and Audrey Buck from RH FISH (Friends in Service Here) and RHAFT (Rush Henrietta Area Food Terminal). Heinz and Buck were the featured speakers at the Rush Seniors group monthly meeting.
FISH is celebrating 51 years of service providing childcare, cleaning houses, emergency meal preparations, and transportation for 153 individuals in 1,606 locations traveling 38,574 miles each year.
RHAFT provided food to 201 families on 350 occasions, traveling 4,173 miles. RHAFT’s holiday program, Adopt-A-Family and Senior Outreach Gift Projects with Rush Henrietta Rotary and other community partners supported 52 families, 162 children, 107 adults and 312 senior households (345 senior residents).
Today, about 120 caring volunteers dedicate themselves to helping their Rush neighbors with certain transportation needs and/or with providing food for families. They provide Rush and Henrietta individuals and families with a valuable network of support necessary for the health of our community.
It takes many volunteers to provide services to our community…drivers, dispatchers, verifiers… and to support that business…computer record keeping and other needs. Whether a few hours a week or a day or month, we will make good use of your available time.
Rush Seniors and the community invite you to partner with FISH or RHAFT, Inc. to meet the needs of the future. Your helping hand would be good for Rush and Henrietta. We hope you will feel inspired to join FISH/RHAFY as a volunteer. Call 585-453-2370 for more information.