$150,000 Grant To Improve Creek Safety for Sewer Infrastructure Replacement Project

Photo from Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes’ state website
Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes (R,C-Caledonia) delivered a $150,000 grant to Honeoye Falls to stabilize the creek and improve sewer infrastructure as part of a project to replace a crumbling system in the village. Byrnes and her staff were thanked for their efforts by Mayor Richard B. Milne and the board of trustees.
“This is a common situation in many municipalities across upstate New York, unfortunately, Albany has been very slow to recognize and provide funds for improving necessary infrastructure until the situation becomes dire,” said Byrnes. “We worked very hard to get the funding, because not only are sewers a vital public service, but it’s also a public safety concern. I am glad that we were able to deliver and this money could help Honeoye Falls improve their sewer system for the benefit of the entire community.”
Mayor Milne wrote to Assemblywoman Byrnes in a letter, “Because of your support and the efforts of your team, specifically Ms. Stephanie Schroeder, this project was able to move forward, protecting our residents, and was completed on time and within budget.”
Specifically, the grant helped the village replace pipelines for their Ontario Street Storm Sewer project. The new pipelines will now allow run-off water to flow safely to the creek, instead of flooding residential property and causing structural damage. Because of the grant, no money was borrowed by the village in order to complete the project, further protecting village finances and taxpayers.