Construction equipment has appeared at the future site of a Dunkin’ Donuts in Honeoye Falls. photo by Donna MacKenzie
Long mired in controversy and court battles between a community association group and the village of Honeoye Falls, a Dunkin’ Donuts will be built on the plot of land next to Miller Lanes in the village, as evidenced by the many stakes in the ground for gas and water lines and such.
The developer, Cafau Management, is the largest Dunkin’ Donuts franchise in the U.S. and is from Massachusetts.
The building will be 2,000 square feet and will include a drive-through, according to Honeoye Falls Building Inspector Charlie Johnson.
In regards to the old airport buildings in the back of the lot which was once part of the old Honeoye Falls airport, Mayor Rick Milne stated that the barns have “no historic value”. Thus, the buildings, which have remained in disuse since the airport closed, will be dismantled by the developer within the next 90 days.
In past few weeks the developers have had to finalize all the paper work concerning money in escrow and letters of credit, but they were able to begin construction on July 20 as crews pulled off the field grass down to bare dirt. The Dunkin’ Donuts is expected to open in three to four months.