Madison Fleming, Will VanDick, Sophie Stanley and Sam Healy (left to right) were the HF-L sixth-graders chosen for the Elementary All County Chorus. Photo by Barb Salter
With March designated as Music In Our Schools Month, the students at Honeoye Falls-Lima were members of vocal and instrumental ensembles at All County Music Festivals all last month which concluded with the Elementary All County Festival at Penfield High on March 30.
The month began with HF-L High School student Daniel Atkinson participating at the All County Jazz Festival on March 1-2. Daniel Atkinson, Reese Perkins and Will Tomaszewski were in the instrumental portion of the Senior High All County Festival on March 8-9 while Alec Bhaskaran, Raelynn Bovenzi, Molly Connors, Tony Ennis, Brooke Erion, Taylor French, Seamus Gillis, Aidan Goold, Riley Goold, Audrey Natale, Gabby Patchett, Ella Peters, Sydney Picciotti, Megan Reinke, Charles Tomaszewski, Leah Torregiano and Owen West were members of the chorus at the Senior High All County Festival.
The following week, HF-L Middle School seventh- and eighth-graders got their chance to shine at the Junior High All County Festival on March 15-16 at Greece. Members of the Junior High All County band were Edward Brown, Calvin Burke, Henry Burke, Kate Dailor, Alana Khona and Emily White. Members of the Junior High All County chorus were Aubrey Bent, Colin Fanning, Maegan Frame, Olivia Gangi, Jason Howard and David Tuller.
The Elementary All County Festival was March 29 and 30 at Penfield High, which was for fourth, fifth and sixth-grade. Middle School sixth-grade band members who participated were Jackson Blythe, Clara Bond, Will Emerson, Madeline Mehring and Amelia Somers. Middle School sixth-grade students Madison Fleming, Sam Healy, Sophie Stanley and Will VanDick were chosen for the Elementary All County Chorus. Manor School students Claire Connors and Ellie Davis were also selected to be members of the 2019 Monroe County Elementary All County band.