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Publicize your group every week for free!

The Sentinel covers fourteen towns and villages including the towns of Avon, East Bloomfield, West Bloomfield, Lima, Mendon, Pittsford, Rush, and Wheatland as well as the villages of Avon, Bloomfield, Lima, Honeoye Falls, Pittsford, and Scottsville. According to census reports, this includes 23,000 people. The Sentinel has a long history of publishing business and church directories. We are proud to announce we will add a new directory – a directory of community service clubs, local historical societies, and other groups that meet on a regular basis (i.e., monthly or weekly). By including this information in the paper on a weekly basis, potential members will know how to join your group and attend your meetings. This will be a community service we provide and there is no cost for inclusion in the directory.

But wait! There’s more!

Groups that meet regularly are always looking for three things: More attendance, topics that draw greater attendance, and qualified speakers that will attract the greatest attendance. Thanks to The Sentinel’s Annual Community Survey, we’ll be able to provide critical information on what topics people in our community are most interested in hearing. We’re even collecting names and contact information of local speakers who are experts on those topics. We’ll make the list of “Top Topics” available as soon as our survey is compiled this fall. The database of local speakers will be announced once it is up and running on our website.

What all local clubs and service organizations should do right now!

Send the following information to

Name of Group
Membership Contact Name
Membership Contact phone number or email
Meeting day and time
Meeting location

Also, let us know if you’d like someone from The Sentinel to speak to your group about this.

©2025 Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel

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