The photo above is one of the pictures that Peter Wisbey will show as part of his presentation at the Lima Historical Society meeting next week. Submitted photo
Lima Historical Society presents The Burned Over District: Spirituality in the Genesee Valley., a talk by Peter Wisbey, Curator, Genesee Country Village and Museum. The talk will be Tuesday, September 20th at 7 p.m. at Lima Court House (next to the Town Hall).
During the early 19th century, western New Yorkers were gripped by waves of religious revivalism as part of the Second Great Awakening. New groups, established churches, and utopian experiments all vied for converts. Mr. Wisbey’s talk will examine these various groups – Shakers, Millerites, Mormons, Spiritualists and Evangelicals and the impact that they had on social change in our region. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. *Note new time.
See www.limahistorical.org for directions and information.