Falling wet snow could not deter many residents from braving the elements to enjoy the Honeoye Falls Fire Department’s Parade of Lights on December 14, 2019. The parade featured fire trucks, such as the one above from Honeoye Falls or the one below from Pittsford, as well as other area communities decorated in bright holiday colors. The event is always a colorful one. After the parade,, attendees were able to enjoy hot cocoa and cookies at the fire hall or a bowl of hot chili or macaroni and cheese at the Village Hall. Submitted photo
[N.B.: On Friday, December 10, the HFFD announced the parade scheduled for Saturday, December 11 has been postponed due to weather. The rescheduled date has not yet been announced.]
The annual Honeoye Falls Fire Department Christmas parade will take place on Dec 11th down Main Street in Honeoye Falls.
The parade commences at 6:30 PM, starting from the Han-Tek entrance on West Main Street and will end with Santa in Harry Allen Park.
Union Star Lodge #320 will be holding an open house with small group tours available upon request from 4-6pm (a rare chance to see the third floor!). They’ll also be handing out candy canes to the kids. In addition, if you want to know about the history of the nearly 200-year-old building, just ask!
St. John Episcopal Church will be providing cookies and cider at the corner of Episcopal Avenue and West Main Street at 6 p.m. prior to the parade. The Mendon Town Hall will be open and the town board will be serving hot chocolate in front of the building.
Howard Hanna will be holding a Holiday Open House at 6 p.m. There will be High School Carolers and treats will be provided. Also, don’t forget about getting your raffle tickets ahead of time for your chance to be a Honeoye Falls firefighter for the Morning. 75 percent of the proceeds go to Childrens Free Care Fund/UR Medicine’s Golisano Children’s Hospital and 25 percent to the HFFD. A lucky ticket will be drawn at Harry Allen Park after the parade. Tickets are $10; check out https://howardhannachildrensfreecarefund.org/donation for more information.
From 7:30-9 p.m., the Honeoye Falls Community Concert Band will present a holiday concert at HF-L District Auditorium.
Come join the fun.