From left, HF-L school board members are Amy West, Carol Bellavia, Stephanie Templeton, Christopher Neff, Joel Robinson, David Francis, Caralyn Ross and Jeff Klein. (Not Pictured: Kelli Eberle) Photo by Leah Shepard
The New York State School Boards Association recognizes October 17-21 as School Board Recognition Week. This is a time to promote awareness and understanding of the important work performed by school board members. The Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District is joining all public school districts across the state to celebrate School Board Recognition Week to honor local board members for their commitment to HFLCSD and its children.
“I appreciate how the school board has led the way in celebrating Cougar Pride regularly with the implementation of the Cougar Pride Award. These volunteers spend countless hours preparing for meetings, are willing to serve in unpaid roles as stewards for the education of the community’s children,” said Gene Mancuso, HF-L Superintendent.
Mancuso said the key work of school boards is to raise student achievement by:
- Creating a shared vision for the future of education
- Setting the direction of the school district to achieve the highest student performance
- Providing accountability for student achievement results
- Developing a budget that aligns district resources to improve achievement
- Supporting a healthy school district culture in which to work and to learn
- And much more!
The Board of Education members serving the District and their years of service are as follows:
- Amy West – 2011-14; 2014-17; 2017-20; 2020-23
- Caralyn Ross – 2017-20; 2020-23
- Carol Bellavia – 2012-15; 2015-18; 2018-21; 2021-24
- Kelli Eberle – 2021-24
- David Francis – 2016-19; 2019-22; 2022-25
- Jeff Klein – 2020-23
- Christopher Neff – 2021-24
- Joel Robinson – 2022-25
- Stephanie Templeton – 2010-13; 2013-16; 2016-19; 2019-22; 2022-25
Throughout School Board Recognition Week, the District will be recognizing its Board members with a social media campaign as well as a follow up recognition at the upcoming Board of Education meeting scheduled for October 25, 2022.