The HF-L Middle School students who participated in the Junior High All County Music Festival were Heather Parham, Clara Boldt, Mairen Butler and Peter Clayton (first row, left to right) and Cora Koelsch, Nora Beckett, Madelyn Lloyd, Kellen Adams, Kasey Wise, Luke Washburn, Linus Burke and Abram Courtney (back row, left to right). Photo by Barbara Salter
The sound of music rang out throughout the month of March which is “Music in Our Schools” Month as Monroe County All County Music Festivals took place the first four weekends of the month and several Honeoye Falls-Lima students participated in them.
HF-L High School students took part in the All County Jazz Festival on March 1 and 2. They were Edward Brown, Aiden McLean, Andrew Stansbury and Nolan Tompsett.
The Monroe County School Music Association High School All County Festival was held on March 8 and 9 at Nazareth College. In the All County band was Sarah McLaughlin. The students in the choir at the festival were Raegan Banker, Claire Connors, Maeve Connors, Owen Dack, Peterah Deisenroth, Madison Fleming, Andy Fosler, Maggie Grann, Kaylee Henshaw, Paige Moscicki, Jenna Quinn, Amelia Somers and Ava Youngblut.
HF-L students in the Junior High School All County Festival, held on March 15 and 16 at Webster Schroeder High School, were Kellen Adams, Heather Parham, Linus Burke, Peter Clayton, Madelyn Lloyd and Cora Koelsch for the band and Kasey Wise, Nora Beckett, Mairen Butler, Clara Boldt, Luke Washburn and Abram Courtney for the chorus.
HF-L Middle School sixth-grade students who participated in the Elementary All County Festival Band on March 22 and 23 at Churchville-Chili High School were Evan Khona, Nolan Mueller, Grayson Elmer, Cailyn Mannigan, Kathryn Fosler, Isaac Cromwell, Olivia Lascell, Stella Schaefer, Gia Lombardozzi, Violet Lewis, Megan Charles, Molly Zittel, Avery Pude, Willa Jones, Jackson Hawks, Luke McClean, Hudson Kamm and Miles Philips.
Manor School students who were a part of the Elementary All County Festival were James Francis III and Owen Darcy, both in the band, and Alexis Ludwig, Millie Gabrielsen and Elliot Kontur, all in the chorus.