Buffalo Bills vs. Miami Dolphins at New Era Field on December 17, 2017. Photo by Peter S. Carosa
Count many of our readers as among those who jumped (or cried) with joy as the final seconds ticked down sealing the Cincinnati Bengals upset victory over the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday. That, coupled with the Buffalo Bills convincing win against the Miami Dolphins, ended seventeen years of missing the post season tournament and had fans partying into New Year’s Eve like it was 1999.
Jack Leckie, Honeoye Falls, one of our original subscribers and fan of the Buffalo Bills “since the early days of Lou Saban, Jack Kemp, Cookie Gilchrist and Wray Carlton,” faithfully watch the Bills defeat the Dolphins before catching the end of the Cincy-Baltimore game. When the Bengals stopped the Ravens one last time to end triumphant, Leckie yelled, “Finally, it’s about time!”
Rick Milne, Mayor of Honeoye Falls, echoed these sentiments. He says, “Finally! The fans of the Buffalo Bills have waited long enough. It’s great for the fans and for Western NY to have a team in the playoffs once again. While we still have a lot of improvements to make, we’re obviously moving in the right direction. Let’s Go BUFFALO!”
So, it’s on to Jacksonville, where Western New York’s favorite team takes on the coach who quit on them three years ago. “They have a good chance to beat Jacksonville, but will need McCoy to be able to play,” says Leckie.