Alec Bhaskaran receives his NHS certificate. Photo by Donna MacKenzie
The 71 inductees have different personalities and different interests, some of them involved in sports, some music, some art and some all of the above, but they all share one thing in common, they were selected for induction into the Honeoye Falls-Lima National Honor Society because of their scholarship (all have a grade point average of 3.63 or better), the leadership skills they have shown, the service opportunities they have been involved in and their character.
The HF-L National Honor Society welcomed the 71 new members in an induction ceremony on January 15 in the District Auditorium. After opening remarks by co-advisor Dianne Witkowski and a welcome from the school’s current NHS President Philip Ackerman, High School Assistant Principal James Nelson gave a short keynote address. NHS Secretary Dana Szczublewski (Scholarship), Treasurer Alexis Schiedel (Leadership), Vice President-Service Lindsay Cody (Service) and Vice President-Academics Cole Siewert (Character) made short presentations on each of the four pillars of National Honor Society.

Megan Reinke is one of the new HF-L NHS members. Photo by Donna MacKenzie
Then it was time for the induction ceremony. The new members are Margaret Adams, Quinn Adcock, Omar Armbruster, Abigail Baum, Alec Bhaskaran, Matthew Blythe, Paige Brent, Ayla Brongo, Margaret Broomfield, Mason Bulling, Nicholas Burch, Emma Calcagni, Andrew Childs, Christian Coler, Nathaniel Connor, Ryan Conners, Hanna Coria, Ryan Dailor, Jacob Derby, Justin Dewitt, Karina Ekholm, Michael Feeley, Olivia Friedlander, Emma Garry, Maeve Gaynor, Robert Hotchgraf, Jason Hofmann, Jack Hulsey, Reece Joint, Elena Karipidis, Mackenzie Killenbec, David Knight, Maria Larsen, Chloe Long, Elise Lupisella, Abigail Manderano, Georgia Mazzarella Ennis, Jaclyn McClean, Madeleine McLean, William Meister, Makenna Miller, Elizabeth Pangia, Kevin Powell, Jordan Proctor, Brian Reinke, Megan Reinke, Emma Rizzella-Roberts, Kari Roberts, Haley Robinson, Nathan Ross, Molly Russell, Alice Russo, Hailey Sackoor, Kimberly Salter, Adrienne Sanza, Michael Sanza, Amelia Schiedel, Hannah Selke, Moshe Seluanov, Madison Shaw, Nikolas Sirvent, Mariana Spitz, Kathleen Tanner, Liana Torpey, Shayla Torpey, Rachel VanderVen, Joshua Vogt, George Walker, Brianna Wise, Willem Zoeke and Hannah Zornow.
Ackerman asked the new members to recite the NHS pledge and co-advisor Nicole Glavin made some closing remarks.